多元化创新 - TECOM Shanghai 2023引领新潮
On October 27th, 2023, Caohejing Development Zone Conference Center will host the one-day TECOM Shanghai 2023, which is organized by the S-Tron Alliance member, weHustle as part of the Caohejing Hi-Tech Carnival, and will bring together innovative thinking and cutting-edge technologies to provide an unforgettable experience.
2023年10月27日,漕河泾开发区会议中心将举办为期一天的TECOM Shanghai 2023。此次活动由S创联盟成员伙伴weHustle主办,是漕河泾科技嘉年华系列活动的一部分,这场活动将汇聚创新思维和前沿技术,为观众带来难忘的体验。
With the theme of "Diversity for Innovation", TECOM Shanghai 2023 invites industry leaders, innovative startups and innovators from various industries to participate in the event, where innovative ideas and concepts will collide and mingle. Distinguished speakers from different countries and regions will share their experiences and insights on diversity for innovation, and explore new trends for future innovation development. Meanwhile, the event also provides a platform for several startups to showcase their innovative projects.
TECOM Shanghai 2023以“多元化创新”为主题,邀请来自各行业的领军人物、创新企业和创新者共同参与,各种创新思想和理念将在这里碰撞交融。来自不同国家和地区的分享嘉宾将分享各自在多元化创新方面的经验和见解,探索未来创新发展的新趋势。同时,此次活动也为多个初创企业提供了展示和推广的平台,与会者们将通过路演的形式展示自己的创新项目和想法。
Another highlight of the event is the booth, where innovative projects and cutting-edge technologies from various countries and regions are gathered. Visitors can experience the cutting-edge technologies, as well as have in-depth communication with innovators to share their experiences and insights.
Regarding workshops, a whirlwind of innovative ideas and fresh approaches will take center stage led by key facilitators. It is a great opportunity to learn one specific topic offered by the expert leading it, to foster collaboration, and to have deeper, and more laser-focused conversations.

Storytelling for Change: Leveraging Diverse Narratives to Drive Inclusivity and Equality.
In this engaging workshop, you'll delve into the captivating world of storytelling's pivotal role in social media marketing. You'll discover how harnessing the dynamic force of diverse narratives can ignite inspiration, foster a sense of community, and propel your business forward.

Modern Innovation: Adapting and Collaborating to AI Transformation.
Technically innovation is not limited to just the techies. Now with LLM, the product team and service R&D team can benefit through experience transformation. Come with your pain points and in this workshop, we will implement modern innovation.
Date & time: 27th Oct, 10:00-17:00
Address: Building 7, Lane 1528 Gumei Road, Xuhui, Shanghai
活动地址: 漕河泾开发区会议中心

This event is undoubtedly a must-attend event, both in terms of the size of the event and the depth of the topics discussed. At TECOM Shanghai 2023, you will network with industry leaders, link up with tech enthusiasts, and also learn about the latest trends and developments in the technology sector.
无论是从活动的规模还是从讨论议题的深度来看,这次活动都无疑是一场不可错过的盛会。在TECOM Shanghai 2023,你将与行业领袖互动,与科技爱好者建立链接,还可以了解技术领域的最新趋势和发展。
Registration is available at Wechat official account: weHustle, come and join us to discover the infinite possibilities of diversity-inspired innovation!